Electronic cigarettes, which are popularly known as e-cigarettes, are trending more and more in the world today. It is not just a classy way to smoke cigarette with no tension of buying new cigarettes every second day but also helps a great deal in quitting smoking if a person wants to. The statistics show that the number of users of the electronic cigarettes is increasing by an alarming rate every day.

An electronic cigarette consists of three main parts, i.e. cartridge that has nicotine, battery and vaporizer. When a person takes a puff, vapor is released which is absolutely harmless as it only contains water and no toxic substance. The best part about them is that they share their look a lot with the regular cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are easily available today, especially on the Internet with so many websites selling variety ofe-cigarettes. Though it is a good and comfortable thing for a lot of people but a very major effect of e-cigarettes being so readily available on various websites is that they are not out of the reach of the kids as well. Kids and teenagers in the excitement of trying new things are getting addicted to the electronic cigarettes.

Most of the countries have laws regarding the sale of tobacco like the United States has the law that tobacco is not to be sold to people below 18 years of age. But, no such law is applicable on the sale of electronic cigarettes due to which there is no boundation on the teens regarding the purchase of the e-cigarettes.

Since the electronic cigarettes are available on the Internet sites and can be ordered without showing any age proof, they really lure the kids. Moreover, the nicotine comes in different flavors like chocolate, bubble gum, caramel etc. which is a very attractive feature, specifically for the kids to smoke the e-cigarettes.

Another major reason why kids desire to smoke cigarettes is because of the celebrities that come on television and smoke cigarettes. Teenagers and kids often see their ideals in celebrities and when they see them smoking, nothing in the world seems right to them but to smoke. In fact, the kids who see their parents smoke vastly get influenced and develop an urge to try smoking as soon as possible. Due to these reasons, children get attracted towards electronic cigarettes because that becomes the last resort that is close to smoking.

The non kid-friendly behavior of the electronic cigarettes can be easily managed by introducing laws to sell them to people of particular ages only. This would make the kids stay away from the adverse impacts of consuming nicotine although it is way less harmful than tobacco found in the regular cigarettes.

Although the electronic cigarettes are not friendly for kids, but there are solutions to this remedy. Overall, the significance of the electronic cigarettes cannot be forgotten as it has helped many addicted smokers to quit cigarette and is less harmful than the regular cigarettes in comparison.

Now day’s you might be hearing about e-cigarette but most people are confused what they really are and whether they are safe to use. E-cigarette is battery operated devices and they are designed in such a way, it looks similar to that of tobacco cigars. E-cigars contain nicotine and they turn into vapor when they are inhaled. It creates a vapor cloud that looks similar to that of cigarette smoke. Manufactures claim they are safe to be used and smokers can use them as an alternative to conventional cigars. They are available with automatic or manual battery. Cigarette with automatic battery can be simply used and it will start smoking when you inhale. The e-cigars equipped with manual battery have a button and you have to press it for inhaling. For the beginners, the button may seem awkward, but it features well because you will have a better control on your draw time.

Now let us see the difference between e-cigarette and the traditional tobacco cigars.

Get free from cigarette smell and ash

The traditional cigar emit smoke and the smell remain in the room for a longer time. Traditional cigars also produce ash and we have to keep ash trays in each room. But e-cigars are different from that. E-cigars don’t emit smoke that gets stick to clothes and walls. They are free from ash also. E-cigars emit smoke like mist which is just a water based vapour which gets disappeared within seconds. So e-cigars are free from smoke smell, toxins and tar. E-cigars are much better than traditional cigarette.

Save money and help us to remain eco-friendly

These days, cigarettes are expensive and if you are a regular smoker, you will be required to spend too much money daily purchasing cigarette. Today a pack of a cigarette will cost you too much. When compared with e-cigars, they will help you to save more money. The initial investment for e-cigar starter kit will be a little high, but it will help you to save money for a long run. You have to refill the cartridge with e-liquids and costs of e-liquids are not too much higher. E-liquids are available in different flavours too. So usually when compared, e-cigars will help you to save 80% of your money that you spend on purchasing traditional tobacco cigars.

Discarded cigarette can often lead to fire, can damage properties and pollutes our environment. But e-cigars are eco-friendly and they are capable to eliminate risks. They are kinder to our environment.

Free to smoke anywhere and won’t stain your teeth

You must be aware that in most countries, smoking is banned in public places. If you are a regular tobacco smoker, it will turn your teeth yellow. E-cigars are now almost socially acceptable. You are free to smoke e-cigars anywhere in hotel, pubs and restaurant. You don’t have to go out of your office if you need a smoke break. It won’t stain your teeth and you will always remain away from the bad odor of cigarette.

E-mail, e-paper, e-books, e-magazines, e-waste,   almost everything around   is being modified by the “e” word. Now another product into the list that is e-cigarette or in more bookish way electronic nicotine delivery system. Don’t assume that it is also something you can’t feel or touched like many other “e-“things, surely it’s something tangible. Actually to say by the popular definition it can be termed as, the gadget is a battery powered device which by using a heating element vaporizes the nicotine contained solution along with some other flavors, while some do not have nicotine in them. 

While the initial invention of the e-cigarette dates back into the year of 1967, the present model has been designed in the year 2006 from a Chinese company. The modern generation of these has been re designed as cartomizers, which uses the mechanism of introducing the heating coil into the liquid chamber.

The novelty of the product may be the reason as the regulations from the administrations are pending in some countries, while some even banned the product. Since some doesn’t contain tobacco these products are not under the tobacco law Although the product appears  same as the normal cigar, the process changes as there is no tobacco present in it, but instead liquid tobacco is present, on switching  the heater gets heated and the liquid vaporizes, which is inhaled by the consumer. The vapour comes outside and the nicotine is delivered to lungs. But the smell of the cigarettes will be absent as here nothing burnt. Also like traditional cigarettes there are no release of poisonous tars and carbon monoxide gases.

There are many regulatory agencies which are quite in a dilemma about the new product as there has been no proper study about the effects of consuming pure tobacco vapours.  Also there are many manufacturing companies which are not disclosing the types of chemicals being used in these products and the percentage of nicotine content.

Now e cigarette became a double edged weapon, as it can act as an effective arm against the tobacco consumption, but at the same time it can also rake the problem of again introducing the smoking in children .Since there has been no official law is controlling it, the product grew into a $2 billion industry.

In the words of a renowned psychologist David Abrams, ”The real enemy is  not tobacco; but the main culprit is its way of consumption, i.e by burning  it in the form of cigars. He is  an executive director for the Scroeder institute of research and policy studies in Washington. He also states that “ In a regulated dose of tobacco by correct means it only raises the heart beat by two or three times per minute. But severe effects by it are less and rare.

Both sides of this issue are having their own views and evidences supporting them by the research work till now. But for more accurate results still a clear research should be ordered & till then it would be better if there will be some control  on this product, as we can’t modify the consequences if they are drastic.

Habitual behavior is rarely broken and this statement is especially true for smokers. Although there are some people who have actually done it successfully, it remains one of the hardest habits to break despite the very many remedies that have been flaunted to aid in eliminating this habit.  Trying to quit smoking can be a challenging and at time frustrating especially when you try and go cold turkey. It is not impossible; just very difficult.  But the one proven way to eliminate a habit is to replace it and this very same approach can be used to help you quit smoking as well.  In fact a lot of people have managed to do this very successfully.

Start Vaping Instead

If one of your new year’s resolutions involves quitting smoking, you are in luck.  You can quit smoking by replacing it with vaping. A lot of people have used this very technique to quit smoking, instead opting for good quality e-cigs that have recently flooded the market.  Manufacturers of these e-cigs have flaunted them as a healthy alternative to regular smoke and in more ways than one they really are.  First of all e-cigs don’t contain any tobacco which means that there is the reduced risk of lung cancer as compared to the regular cigarettes. There is also the reduced chance that your smoking habit will affect the people closest to you because e-cigs don’t emit any second hand smoke.

Take it Slow

But if you are thinking of going down this path in your attempts to quit smoking, it is a good idea to start slowly. For instance, you could keep smoking at a reduced level, if you have been smoking about 10 cigarettes a day, you could reduce this to about five and then substitute e-cig for the other five. This is to make sure that although you will suffer the withdrawal symptoms that will be associated with quitting; they will be minimal and manageable.

Although some people have gone “cold turkey” and actually succeeded it is never practical to just stop and then start using e-cigs. It is always best to ease into one as you ease out of the other.  You may even find that it is cheaper to use e-cigs than it is to smoke regular cigarettes. This is because rechargeable ones that you can reuse can cost anywhere between $50 and $150 and they are also known to last longer than the regular cigarettes.

If this doesn’t convince you to at least try e-cigs, then consider this; in the near future, e-cigs are poised to take over the market meaning that everyone you know will be using e-cigs as opposed to regular cigarettes. But if you are really trying to quit, it is safe to assume that even the slightest form of help in the form of e-cigs can do wonders to help and if it has worked for other smokers why shouldn’t it work for you as well in the same way.

E-cigarette or e-cigars are smokeless cigarette, the device operated with the help of batteries and they emulate smoking. When you draw the device, e-liquid converts the smoke to vapor and the vapor is inhaled. This process of using electronic cigarette is known as vaping. E-cigars don’t contain tobacco and toxins which are related to tobacco smoking. It doesn’t emit the irritating smoke smell and in fact, it will make you smell sweet aroma of strawberry or vanilla e-liquids. It doesn’t produce ash and they can control your nicotine intake. This will help you to gradually decrease the intake of nicotine level.

E-cigars offer lots of benefits to the user. You are free to smoke anywhere and at any time. There will be no need for you to go out of your office if you want to take a smoking break. Initially you will be required to make investments, purchasing e-cigarette starter kit. The prices of e-cigars are 80% less than tobacco cigarettes, so e-cigars will help you to save more money. They don’t pollute the environment and they are considered to be eco-friendly. Today, smoking is banned in public places and it has been found that e-cigars are slowly getting socially accepted. It helps you to enjoy different flavors of e-liquid. E-cigars are available in a variety of style and color and more often they look like an original cigarette. It allows you to choose a style that suits with your personality.

Though e-cigars offers lots of benefits to the user, some health experts are not satisfied with this product. According to them, the possibility of side effects inhaling nicotine vapor is more and this can affect your health very badly. The product is not regulated by the FDA and some people claims until proper research are not conducted to prove that they are safe to use, they should be deemed illegal. They are not subject to US tobacco laws, so you can easily purchase them through online without proof of age. The main concern is that, e-cigars may get attracted to kids and this may encourage them to inhale the nicotine vapor, which can affect their health badly.

Though e-cigars are claimed to be used anywhere regulatory agencies are making a closer look on this gadget and they are planning to put restriction on their use. Many people praise e-cigars will help them to quit smoking, but no one is bothered about its side effects. Before you start using e-cigars, you must first think whether it is a healthier option or is it a risky choice. In Chicago, the usage of this gadget is prohibited in restaurants, bars and other public areas. However, since the product is new to the market, it will take time to be scientifically proven as they are safe to use. Manufactures claimed they are safe to be used but when FDA analyzed some samples of popular brands they found certain particles of toxic chemicals including cancer causing substances. Until they are not proven safe, users can remain away from the electronic gadget. 

E-Juice is a nicotine-based juice used in electronic cigarettes and private vaporizers. E- Juice is the liquid that energy sources the electronic cigarette. It is what provides the cigarette smoking solution and the taste to your e-cig. It is the steam in which you breathe out that imitates the traditional tobacco.

Nicotine in E-Juice

The quantity of nicotine in your E-Juice is awake to you- large tobacco users usually begin out with the High: 24mg and mild tobacco users usually begin with Medium 12mg or 18mg. Most consumers who desire to stop nicotine entirely often reduced their stages eventually.

What’s in E- Juice?

E-Juice uses platform components to make a sleek taste. This platform can involve PG, VG or together. PG (Propylene Glycol) and VG (Vegetable Glycerin) are along with organic or synthetic tastes such as cherry or gourmet coffee which makes exclusive and fulfilling dishes.

What is PG or (Propylene Glycol)?

Propylene Glycerin (PG) is used as a flavor service provider in foodstuffs, as an element in food complexion and too used as a preservative in various medicines. A mixed platform of PG/VG combination is much more sleek then 100% PG platform. Propylene Glycerin is not harmful.

What is VG or (Vegetable Glycerin)?

Vegetable Glycerin (VG) is a lovely, dense, veggie centered fluid. 100% VG platform is very dense and hard to smoking successfully. A mixed PG/VG combination is suggested. Vegetable Glycerin is not harmful.

What is regular E- Juice?

Regular e-Juice, usually the cheaper e-Juice, may contain a few of the following substances which are considered harmful if inhaled:

·        Acetoin: This component has the option of reacting with other substances such as Diacetyl.

·        Diacetyl: This component is used to create a heavy flavor. Diacetyl may be dangerous when inhaled over a long period of time.

What are the key Elements to the E- Juice?

Flavor is the first sense increased when smoking cigarettes an Electronic Smoke. Some appreciate menthol; some appreciate conventional tastes, while others get pleasure from fruity or sweet flavors. For some tobacco users the most important aspect is the feeling you get when the smoking cigarettes strikes the back of your neck while breathing in. E-Juice, based on the strength and taste you make a decision to buy will go away you with this feeling.

What is the vapor from the e-Juice similar to?

The vapor created is the smoke-like material that is blown out when cigarette smoking an Electronic Cigarette. E-Juice provides a continually dense steam giving you the same emotion and seems you would get when breathing out a conventional cigarette.

E juice normally used in e cigarettes. The regular e smoker may be familiar with this term. There are a variety of e juices available in the market. Each of them comes with different flavor as well as different smell. Smoker can easily use different types of e juice according to their choice. 

What is a vaporizer?

A vaporizer is a device which warms up dry herbs to a heat range at which they launch their (medically) effective components into an aromatic vapor. This vapor doesn't contain any of the harmful components found in smoking. Vaporizers are gadgets that help ease a number of breathing problems by using a hot water to add wetness to the air. Vaporizers make it simpler for you to take in by splitting up mucous in your chest area and neck. There are a wide range of vaporizers on the market, such as ones with medicated pads. These gadgets are easy to use and little enough to fit in a wide range of different areas, along with a little bed room and even washrooms.

How to Use a Vaporizer?

During cool and winter season we all suffer at some factor with operating noses, blockage and bad coughs. One of the ecological aspects that can worsen it is dry air. The air tends to be drier in houses during the several weeks when the warm is on and ms windows and gates are kept shut. Using a vaporizer in the house for the duration of these several weeks can delivers some much-needed comfort.

Take out the vaporizer and clean the standard water tank well with a little amount of lightens in hot standard water. If there are remains of natural resources in it from earlier use, you may add a bit of vinegar to hot standard water and this should dissolve the remains.

Dried out the reservoir out and fill about half way with fresh drinking water. Add a pinch of regular table salt to the h2o to aid the formation of vapor. Position the vaporizer where you want in the home and connect it into the store. It may take about 10 moments for the water to heat and vapor to begin flowing out of the vaporizer.

Add a few falls of important oil to either the mineral water, or if there is a owner for drugs or important oil, to the owner. This will provide the vapor an enjoyable smell and using the right important sebum can actually aid in the comfort of cool and flu signs.

The author invites you to visit the website : http://www.ultravaping.com

How to Proper Care and Cleaning Vaporizer?Before washing the vaporizer, unplug the product and let it stand for at least 20 minutes before removing any standard water and washing. Change the standard water in the product daily. Then clean the inside of the product by wiping it with a flannel or paper towel. Do not submerge the vaporizer in standard water or use any washing chemicals in the product.

If the product is used every day, at least once every three days, fresh it with a fabric saturated in 2 tsp. of bleach and tap water. Then wipe the inside of the product with a damp cloth or paper soft towel.  

Using electronic cigarettes isn't related to acute adverse effects on cardiac perform, researchers from the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, Greece, reportable at the EU Society for medical specialty 2012 Conference in city, Germany. Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos accessorial that per presently accessible information, electronic cigarettes square measure significantly less harmful than smoking tobacco, and shift from smoking tobacco to using electronic cigarettes is presumably a decent health move.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smoking can have caused over one billion deaths by the tip of this century. It’s the foremost preventable risk issue for respiratory organ and heart difficulty. Electronic smoke makers and sellers are promoting the merchandise as a safer various for normal smokers. Mass individuals worldwide frequently use electronic cigarettes nowadays.

An electronic smoke mimics the sensations and actions cherished with by tobacco smoking, however rather than inhaling smoke, the user inhales vapor. The device contains a cartridge full of liquid, a component to evaporate the liquid and electric battery.

Previous studies have shown that electronic cigarettes contain fewer toxins than tobacco cigarettes. The mass of studies have not detected any amount of nitrosamines in electronic cigarettes. (Tobacco-specific) Nitrosamines kind a part of a vital cluster of carcinogens in tobacco merchandise. The few that did discover nitrosamines within the devices reportable levels 500 to 1 400 a reduced amount of than what most cigarettes contain. So as to breathe the nitrosamines contained in one tobacco smoke, an electronic smoke user would wish to use his/her device daily for four to twelve months.

E-cigarette users will like better to inhale vaporized vasoconstrictive or non-nicotine vaporized solutions. Regular tobacco smoking is related to {heart malady|heart condition|cardiopathy|cardiovascular disease} and death; four-hundredth of smoking-related mortality is as a result of simply arterial blood vessel disease. Dr. Farsalinos and team started to see what acute effects electronic cigarettes may need on heart perform.

As electronic cigarettes square measure marketed specifically at tobacco smokers as a healthier possibility, the scientists wished to match their results against the acute effects of tobacco cigarettes on heart perform. Studies had already shown that tobacco smoke produces immediate defects in cardiac muscle perform. This most likely implies that healthy young regular tobacco smokers with no current symptoms could have already got sustained some variety of subclinical dysfunction.

Among the E-Cigarettes, most of the models are automatic - because the user sucks on that, a detector activates a constituent that vaporizes a liquid solution within the mouthpiece. The user will opt for whether or not or to not have plant toxin within the seasoned liquid counter. In older models (manual models), there's a small piece button that turns the constituent on and off. An LED indicates whether the device has been activated when the user inhales. Now we will be at your doorstep with the vast range of E-cigarettes where you can choose your own. So say no to tobacco and switch to our E-cigarette and say bye to heart and lungs diseases.